Save Big On Your ANGLEC Bill (5 easy tips)

There are many simple ways to save money by conserving energy.  Here are the top five ways:

1. Lighting:

Turn your lights off when you leave a room; Change your incandescent (filament type) bulbs to Compact Fluorescent or LED bulbs.

2. Water Pump and Heater:

Lower the thermostat on your water heater – water heaters sometimes come from the factory with high temperature settings, but a setting of 120°F provides comfortable hot water for most uses; Switch to cold water when washing your laundry; Wait until you have a large load before washing your laundry; Take five-minute showers instead of baths;  Install low flow shower-heads and sink aerators to reduce hot water use.

3. Technology:

Desktop computers, monitors and printers are power hungry devices and should be turned off when not in use;  When you shut down your computer, don’t forget to turn off the monitor – it can use more energy than the computer! Unplug the power supply for your cellphone chargers, routers, game consoles and modems when not in use;  Consider a laptop computer over a traditional desktop – laptops use less energy.

4. Your Refrigerator:

Make sure that your refrigerator door seal is in good condition, and the temperature is not set too low; Think about what you need before opening the refrigerator door and avoid making too many trips to the refrigerator; Locate your refrigerator away from the stove and other heat sources – by being next to those items, your refrigerator is working harder and consuming more electricity.

5. Air Conditioning:

Keep your air conditioning compressor away from the sun. In the shade it uses as much as 10% less electricity than when operating in the sun.  Is your bedroom air-conditioned? On cooler days try to use a fan or have your windows screened and use the natural outside air instead!

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