Understanding Bill Estimations

What is an estimated bill?

An estimated bill is a bill generated based on your history of energy consumption. Many factors are considered when estimations are made to ensure that our estimates are as accurate as possible. While most estimations have a very narrow error margin, due to factors beyond our control there can be discrepancies between estimations and actual usage amounts. Fortunately, if an estimate is too high or too low, your bill will be adjusted to reflect your actual consumption once we obtain an accurate meter reading.

Why was my bill estimated?

Bills are estimated due to the inability for ANGLEC to access your meter and obtain an official reading. It is the customer’s responsibility to provide safe, unhindered access to the meter at all times.


What happens after an estimation is conducted?

If your usage has been estimated;

  • You will receive a bill with your estimated amount to be paid as usual.
  • In some cases our meter reader will attempt to take another reading before or by the next scheduled read date.
  • Once an official reading is obtained we will make any needed adjustments to your bill. If your bill was over-estimated and you pay more than required, we will apply a credit to your next bill. If a low estimation results in you paying less than your actual usage, the difference will be applied to your next bill.


Can I read my own meter?

Absolutely! There are many benefits to reading your own meter, like keeping track of your usage. Regular meter readings will help you get a better idea of your usage/usage patterns and costs over time. You can see when you use the most energy throughout the year or notice when there are spikes in usage to determine if energy is being wasted and help you find ways to save. If you’re concerned that your bill seems too high, bringing a reading/photo of your meter reading to our Customer Care unit can confirm the accuracy of your bill before you pay.


To take your own meter reading;

  1. Locate your meter outside your home or business and read the digits shown on the digital display.
  2. For those with new AMI meters, you will see a series of flashing digits, the first of which will be all 8s, the second set of digits will flash and the final 5 digits to appear is your meter reading.
  3. For those who still have old meters (Cylce 1-5), there will be no flashing, your meter number is the constant set of digits shown on the digital display.


Good news! Soon estimations will be a thing of the past. Find out why here.

Please feel free to contact our office to discuss your account further!


  • Office hours of operation: 8:00am-4:30pm (Mon-Friday)

  • Phone: 497-5200

  • www.anglec.com

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