Post Irma Bill Examples

Bill accumulation post Irma can be confusing, especially for those who have made bill payments since the passing of the storm. However, even with no additional charges or late fees imposed,  and in instances where payments were made, there are still many cases where accumulation will take place.

Please bare in mind that each situation is different and if these examples do not apply to your situation we’d be more than happy to assist you in office or over the phone via 497-5200.  See bill breakdowns below, click the images to enlarge.

Example #1-

The image below gives an example of a customer that has not made any payment prior to the storm or after up to January. A customer in this situation would see the largest accumulation of bills post Irma.


Example #2-

The image below gives an example of a customer that made payments for  July and August prior to re-connection in December. A customer in this situation would see the smallest accumulation of bills in these examples.


Example #3-

The image below gives an example of a customer that made payments for  July and August prior to re-connection in October. A customer in this situation would see a slightly larger accumulation of bills in comparison to the previous example due to length of time after re-connection.


To read more on billing post Irma click here.

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