Engineering Consultant Procurement Notice

In conjunction with the Caribbean Development Bank’s (CDB), Post Irma- Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Loan requirements, ANGLEC seeks to procure the services of an Engineering Consultant.  ANGLEC invites interested, eligible individual consultants to submit their qualifications and experience no later than 1600 hours local time, Friday April 20th, 2018 to ANGLEC and CDB, note the following information:

Consultancy Information 

 Duration: Approximately three (3) months.

Qualifications and Eligibility Requirements: 

(a) interested Consultants must be citizens or bona fide residents of an eligible country; and

(b) in all cases, the Consultant has no arrangement and undertakes not to make any arrangements, whereby any substantial part of the net profits or other tangible benefits of the contract will accrue or be paid to a person not a citizen or bona fide resident of an eligible country (CDB member countries). The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of CDB’s Guidelines for the Selection and Engagement of Consultants (2011), setting forth CDB’s policy on conflict of interest. In the assessment of submissions, consideration will be given to qualifications and experience on similar assignments.


Application Process:

  • All applications of expressed interest must be submitted in English. Further information may be obtained from the first address below between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
  • Two (2) hard copies and one (1) email submission of the Expressions of Interest must be received at the first address below no later than 1600 hours local time, Friday April 20th, 2018 one (1) email submission must be sent simultaneously to CDB at the second address below.
  • The sealed envelope containing each submission should include the name and address of the applicant and shall be clearly marked “Expression of Interest – Consultancy Services for Engineering Consultant”.


Review Process:

Following the assessment of submissions, the most technically capable and appropriately experienced applicant will be invited to negotiate a consultancy contract. ANGLEC reserves the right to accept or reject late applications or to cancel the present invitation partially or in its entirety. It will not be bound to assign any reason for not engaging the services of any applicant and will not defray any costs incurred by any applicant in the preparation and submission of Expressions of Interest.


1. Anguilla Electricity Company Limited (ANGLEC)
P.O. Box 400
The Valley ANGUILLA, B.W. I.
Tel: + 1 264-497 – 5200Email:
Attention: Mr. Terone Hodge-Carty Mr. Steve Hodge
2. Procurement Officer Procurement Policy Unit
Caribbean Development Bank
P.O. Box 408
Wildey St. Michael BARBADOS, W.I.
Tel: +1 246-431-1600
Fax: +1 246-426-7269Email:
Attention: Mr. Ken Aldonza


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