ANGLEC’s 20 Year Service Award Ceremony

ANGLEC’s 20 year service Award Ceremony 

“The foundation stones for balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty” – Zig Ziglar

On 25th July,  2018 ANGLEC held its most recent 20 Year Service Award Program at Ocean Echo in West End, Anguilla. For 20 years, the employees pictured have shown commendable loyalty and integrity in their commitment to serve ANGLEC and Anguilla. It is an honour to recognize Jachin Richardson, Ron Hodge, Dianne Gumbs, Jones Rogers, Junie Brooks and Shandal Hodge for their longevity and success to date.


To celebrate the momentous occasion, remarks at the recognition ceremony by were given Mr. David Gumbs (CEO), Mr. Sylvan Brooks (Systems Control Engineer), Mr. Steve Hodge (Network Operations Engineer) and Ms. Erimel Franklin (Human Resources Manager). Their speeches reflected their gratitude for the dedication and commitment each talented employee brought to their respective functions over the years. Individual employee growth was also highlighted with special appreciation extended to the spouses, partners and children of each recognized employee for supporting roles and love.

While ANGLEC has recognized staff retention milestones since its inception, this particular celebration has been held for 8 years to date. The program is an initiative lead by ANGLEC’s Human Resources division and holds particular importance for the section’s Manager, Erimel Franklin.

“It is very important to acknowledge staff for their valued contributions. We know that a lot of personal sacrifices had to made over the 20 years and we want to recognize individuals, as well as their support systems and families who bring balance and motivation to all the hard work done by our staff. We appreciate you all!” – Ms. Franklin, HRM

In addition to the ceremony the employees received commemorative plaques and special tokens of appreciation which included electronics and monetary gifts.


Please join us as we celebrate six of ANGLEC’s shining stars and wish them well as they continue in their commitment to serve!


  • Jachin Richardson, Technical Assistant II
  • Ron Hodge, Senior Shift Operator
  • Dianne Gumbs, Cashier
  • Shandal Hodge, Consumer Services Foreman

Absent from photo:

  • Jones Rogers, Linesmsan 1
  • Junie Brooks, Assistant Shift Operator

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