ANGLEC is seeking Renewable Energy, Engineering, Utility and Tariff Consultants with extensive experience in expansion planning in a renewable energy environment, climate change policy trends, setting tariffs and associated skills. The Consultant will be required to work with the Board and management of ANGLEC to design and execute strategy for cost-effective and sustainable energy production (electricity generation). Global technological, social and political trends show that renewable energy is a critical component of present and future sustainable energy production.


DATE: February 28, 2019

TIME: 3:30pm


*For the full RFP Document please click this link – Renewable Energy Consultant Request for Proposals 0119.

The Renewable Energy Consultant shall assist in the preparation of a company program with
priorities for generation planning, expansion and adapting to renewable energy requires a process
of scoping, reviewing, analysis, development of request for proposals and integration of possible
ongoing plans and programs. ANGLEC recognizes that in its transition to meet the needs of an
evolving energy market, decisions based on expert consultations are required.

The Renewable Energy Consultant will assist the ANGLEC Board in their consultations with the
Ministry of Infrastructure and Department of Environment to facilitate understanding among
stakeholders regarding the approach of reviewing, analysis and prioritization of possible plans.

The Renewable Energy Consultant will assist the Board in liaising with the Ministry of
Infrastructure, Ministry of Finance, and

The Renewable Energy Consultant will assist the Board to investigate possible funding and match
funding sources for specific utility projects including Integrated Resource Planning and Tariff
structure review and formation. Renewable Energy Consultant will liaise with funding agencies
and perform related tasks including:
a. Check proposals against funding guidelines’ aims and scoring criteria where available;
b. Provide follow-up support including assistance with funding bodies & assistance with grant

The Renewable Energy Consultant will assist the Board in due diligence of major company
investments including feasibility analyses, LCOE assessments, technology risk assessments, and
rate of return evaluations.

The Renewable Energy Consultant will advise the Board on operating policies as required Terms
and Conditions.

The Renewable Energy Consultant will provide the Services to ANGLEC on, and subject to, the
Terms of Engagement herein. The Renewable Energy Consultant will not start providing the
Services until in receipt of written acceptance of the Terms of Engagement by an authorized
representative of ANGLEC. The Terms of Engagement, once signed and returned to the Renewable
Energy Consultant, shall, together with these Terms, form the contract between the Renewable
Energy Consultant and ANGLEC.

The Renewable Energy Consultant shall provide the Services using reasonable skill and care.
In providing the Services, the Renewable Energy Consultant shall use its reasonable endeavors to
give sound advice based on the information available, but the Client will remain wholly
responsible for determining matters of policy or action related to that advice.
The Consultant(s) should ideally have at least (10) ten years’ experience developing and
implementing renewable energy projects, experience in the areas and requirements outlined
above and relevant project management experience. Relevant experience must include the
preparation of project schedules and budgets, monitoring of project execution, and project
reporting. Excellent oral and written communication skills are necessary.



To be considered, two copies of the proposal must be submitted to the Office of the Anguilla
Electricity Company Limited no later than 3:30 pm February 28, 2019 and should be addressed as

Mailing Address Courier Address
Mr. David Gumbs Mr. David Gumbs
Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer
Anguilla Electricity Company Limited Anguilla Electricity Company Limited
P.O. Box 400 Airport Road
The Valley, Anguilla The Valley, Anguilla

Consultants mailing their proposals shall allow normal mail delivery time to assure timely receipt.

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