Victorine Smith-Brooks – ANGLEC’s WOMEN IN STEM FEATURE


This year ANGLEC will be joining in the celebration of International Women’s Day/Month for the first time by featuring the stories of women in STEM  (Science, Technology Engineering and Math) related posts/functions at ANGLEC and promoting the official IWD theme for 2019 #BalanceForBetter.


Victorine Smith-Brooks,

My name is Victorine Smith-Brooks. Born in St. Thomas and lived in Anguilla. After completing my secondary education, I attended New England Institute of technology in Warwick, Rhode Island where I achieve my bachelor’s in information technology. In 2014 I completed my master’s degree in information technology at Kaplan University. I work at the Anguilla Electricity Company for the 11 years as a System Analyst. Some of my duties included managing the day to day operations of the servers, ensuring that the systems are backup and close off properly at the end of the day.


1. What is your favourite song?

10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)



 2. What is your favourite hobby?



 3. Who was your role model growing up and why?t is your favorite hobby?

My Grandfather because he loves to take on a challenge

4. What was your favourite subject in school?



5. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?



6. What is your favourite part about your job?



7.What would you say is the hardest part of your job?

I.T. is a rapidly growing field, the hardest part for me is getting people to accept change.




The official theme for International Women’s Day 2019 is “Balance for Better”. Balance for better means fighting for more gender-balance in the world.


  1. Why do you think gender-balance is important?Gender balance is important for the world to think more logically. It is will help promote the full potential of people irrespectively of their gender.
  1. In your opinion, how could men and women work together to create a more gender balanced world?To create a gender balanced world, we first need to stop the biasness. When it comes to making statements that certain jobs or just for men or women must stop. Some might think that men and women are not equal because they are different. We need to treat each other as one. Looking at both men and women as equal status and adding value to the world. Judging that person base on the merit and not seeing them as a superior base on their gender.
  1. How do you find ways to thrive in a male dominated field?To thrive in a male dominated field, I always keep up to date with technology. I learn to stay focus on what is going on in the technology world. Doing a lot of research, going back to school to advance my skill set. Go on training courses when I can to help me stay abreast.
  1. How do you achieve work/life balance as a working woman?As a working woman it set my goal and priorities to help balance out my life. It takes a lot of time and dedication to get the job done



  1. Would you encourage other women and girls in Anguilla to pursue STEM related jobs, if so why?
    I would encourage women and girls to pursue a STEM related job because once you put your mind to something believe it in and achieve. You will be able to make a difference in someone life or even your child/children life. Let them see that they have the same opportunity to achieve their dreams.
  1. What would you say to young women who may be interested in the STEM fields?
    I would encourage any young woman who is interested in the STEM field to go for it you can be the next one to create a solution for an unsolved issue or come up for a cure for a disease that is killing people.
  1. What would have encouraged you along your journey as a young woman interested in STEM?When I first started working with computers I enjoy it and decided I wanted to know more about them. I went to school got my master’s degree in information technology. Learning so much and seeing how technology changes it makes me want to learn more about it and understand it more. I am now interested in learning more about the security part of technology. There is something about it that makes me want to learn. The next step for me will be my PHD. Which will be very soon.
  1. What would you encourage, educators, parents and guardians to do to ensure the advancement of young women in STEM related studies?Teach the young women to follow their dreams in STEM. Let them know that they can do it. It starts in school let them know what subject areas are important for them to become part of the STEM community.


Stay tuned for more features and for more information on IWD click here. Want information and ideas about supporting young ladies interested in Tech? Visit

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