This year ANGLEC will be joining in the celebration of International Women’s Day/Month for the first time by featuring the stories of women in STEM  (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related posts/functions at ANGLEC and promoting the official IWD theme for 2019 #BalanceForBetter.





Leah Hughes,

Leah Hughes is an Anguillan who has done the tiny island well with her scholastic and extracurricular activities at the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI). During her tenure at University she was recognized not only for her scholastic achievement but also her involvement in student life. In 2009 she was inducted into the Golden Key National Honor Society and Alpha Mu Gamma Foreign language honor society. Both societies carry a lifetime membership. She was also a member of the Student Government Association at the University and in 2009 she became a certified student leader at the National Conference of Student Leadership in Washington DC.

She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of the Virgin Islands in May of 2010 with a bachelors of Arts degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance. Presently she is employed at the Anguilla Electricity company in the capacity of Assistant Accountant.

Anatole France once said that, “to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe.”

“It is the belief in my abilities, my willingness to pursue goals that lead me to pursue a Master’s of Science degree in Management at the University of the West Indies. I started the program in 2016 and am now in my final semester. Having a degree of this nature will be a stepping stone for me to one day be in a managerial position and ultimately become an Entrepreneur.

In my spare time I love to dance, travel and spend time with my baby boy. These activities help me relax and relieve stress.”

Miss Hughes believes that we are all students and we are never too old to learn. She is a strong advocate of learning and self-improvement. 


1. What is your favorite song?

Love Soca Music… groovy soca… Have many favorites


 2. What is your favourite hobby?



 3. Who was your role model growing up and why?

Tr. Colin Johnson, I admire his commitment and dedication to everything he was a part of.


4. What was your favourite subject in school?

Mathematics of course… lol. Ever since I can remember I had a passion for math/arithmetic which led me to where I am today. In college I gained a liking for business studies so combining the two for my profession felt natural.


5. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?



6. What is your favourite part about your job?

The analytical part(s), I love trying to find out reasons for unusual results.


7.What would you say is the hardest part of your job?

Oddly, also the analytical part. It’s like there’s a special science to good analysis so there’s always a new challenge or learning curve for each situation.




The official theme for International Women’s Day 2019 is “Balance for Better”. Balance for better means fighting for more gender-balance in the world.


  1. Why do you think gender-balance is important?It is important because we both bring different perspectives on different things to the table (men and Woman). Having gender balance and communities that support it help break stereotypes and set new standards for what women can do or be. 


  1. In your opinion, how could men and women work together to create a more gender balanced world?Men and woman can come together and recognize strengthens and weakness and not be placed in a “boxes” because of their gender. By working together, men and women can leave the superficial issues behind and focus on helping one another find positions that they are truly interested in/qualified for. Gender should not be a hindrance. Talent and skill should speak for themselves no matter the sex.


  1. How do you find ways to thrive in a male dominated field?I always find ways to keep up to date with current trends in my field of work. I am constantly looking for ways for self-improvement within my field. I take advantage of training offered at ANGLEC and take the initiative from time to time to find avenues to develop my skills, personally. I am an advocate for learning and self-improvement and in my experience in a male dominated field, there are sometimes men who are more supportive than women. I think like with everything else it often comes down to the individual mindset and what you stand for. No matter what, I don’t believe in allowing the opinions or limitations of others hold me back or change my position.


  1. How do you achieve work/life balance as a working woman?

    Self-care is very important, if you do not take care of yourself you cannot function in other aspects of your life. Numbers rule my world, so for me budgeting time wisely is also key in work/life balance. I try to be organized and that’s what keeps me on track as a professional and as a busy mom. I use excel sheets for everything lol but there are plenty of ways to keep things in order and ensure you take time for self-care.




  1. Would you encourage other women and girls in Anguilla to pursue STEM related jobs, if so why?I would encourage other women in STEM jobs or related areas of work. Once you recognize your talent, work on perfecting it. We need more women in these areas.


  1. What would you say to young women who may be interested in the STEM fields?

    STEM  improves your analytical and innovative skills. These skills are so valuable and easily transferable. They can make you more efficient in other areas of your life outside of work also.For example math skills in your personal life,  can help you make better financial decisions and run your family’s budget more efficiently. And if for any reason you have a passion for a STEM subject like me with mathematics, but have other interests or end up gaining a love for other things, STEM fields mesh well with many areas of study/work and can be lucrative and fulfilling, so stick with it! 


  1. What would have encouraged you along your journey as a young woman interested in STEM?

    Surrounding myself with more positive people who want to see me succeed.


  1. What would you encourage, educators, parents and guardians to do to ensure the advancement of young women in STEM related studies?I would encourage them to share their experiences more and encourage young women to join the different activities and plan for professions associated with STEM. Mentor and help guide younger women who want to develop a career in STEM related professions to prevent them from feeling discouraged.


Stay tuned for more features and for more information on IWD click here. Want information and ideas about supporting young ladies interested in Mathematics? Visit https://bit.ly/2STN1iL or https://bit.ly/2TESjmG.

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