Hurricane season is at its peak with weather conditions like that of Tropical Storm Jerry that can directly impact our community and infrastructure.  As we continue to make our preparations at ANGLEC, we need your help in the process to ensure the safety and reliability of our service.

Please be advised of the following details with regard to storm preparedness and service restoration.



ANGLEC Operations under Tropical Storm Jerry;

  • Official updates on office hours and other notices will be given via ANGLEC’s Facebook page and by radio in the days following the storm.




  • Our Generation and Transmission & Distribution (T&D) staff work around the clock to ensure the reliability of our service before, and in most cases, during and immediately after storms. We commit to maintaining our power supply as long as it is safe to do so. However, our Trouble Call and Generation station crews can only make repairs or re-connections under safe/mild weather conditions.


The following conditions may result in a disruption of power or the need for an emergency outage:

  • Strong weather conditions (wind, lightening, heavy rain etc.) can cause faults at any point leading up to, or during a storm. A fault is any cause of damage or interruption on our system and can range in severity causing a very brief disruption in service, or if necessary, an immediate/unplanned “emergency outage” (requiring longer disconnection for work to be conducted, safely).
  • For the safety of our crews, customers and equipment, power may not be sustained (or re-connected) once storm winds exceed 50mph and/or as feeders trip in a storm (cutting the power supply to an area).
  • If the strength of an impending storm threatens conditions too severe, anticipate that changes to the above-mentioned power supply standards may be require and will be published accordingly prior to the impending storm.
  • If there is extensive damage after a storm, power will be restored incrementally (starting from ANGLEC’s Generation Station in Corito) as sections of the infrastructure are repaired.




  • During any storm conditions please ensure that your equipment/appliances are unplugged from all electrical, cable and data outlets. It is your responsibility to ensure the protection and safety of your personal effects.
  • After the storm, it is dangerous and unlawful for anyone, including ANGLEC crews, to be outdoors prior to the official all-clear radio announcement. Our crews will mobilize as soon as possible AFTER the all-clear to begin the full restoration of power.
  • Also, take note of any internal damages that may occur during the storm. It is your responsibility to ensure that all internal damage to your home and electrical systems are repaired and properly inspected prior to re-connection onto ANGLEC’s system.




  • NEVERinterfere with electrical lines or poles. Doing so poses a serious risk of electrical shock, injury or fatality and can significantly impede ANGLEC’s re-connection and recovery efforts.
  • In the case of an emergency please call 911 for assistance and report downed poles and lines to ANGLEC via our Trouble Call line 497-2891.
  • Listen to the radio for official announcement, advisories and notices and check our Facebook page ( AnguillaElectricity) for additional updates.
  • Please be reminded that you should NEVER plug a generator directly into a wall outlet. Generators must be installed in compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). Improper installation may cause injury, fatality and damage to equipment for yourself or others in the community.

ANGLEC wishes you and your family the best this Hurricane Season, please stay safe and keep our team members and the greater community in your prayers.

For questions or concerns please call us at 497-5200.


  • Planning to use a generator after the storm? Click here for information on generator safety!
  • Want to ensure your property is connected quickly and safely after a storm?Click here to get all the information you need to be connected the first time around!


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