Stay safe, AVOID Power-lines!

Hurricanes can vary in threat levels and in the severity of destruction caused. But one thing remains the same;
Encountering a damaged power-line can be deadlyIf you come across a downed or damaged power-line always assume that it’s LIVE and STAY AWAY! It’s much better to be safe than sorry.

Electricity can travel up to 30 ft across almost any surface. If you come across a downed or damaged power-line do the following to stay safe:
  1.  Never touch, move or cut any power- line.
  2. Stay FAR away and report the issue to ANGLEC and Emergency services, immediately!
  3. Notify those around you of the danger (neighbours, family members etc.) and ensure all pets, children or others in need of supervision stay far away from the area.

If for any reason you’re already within the 30ft danger zone:

  1. Don’t make any sudden moves!
  2. Call for help
  3. If you are in immediate danger, SHUFFLE yourself away from the area with care.
    **Moving too quickly, lifting or separating your feet could heighten your risk of electrocution!**

Numbers to call in the event of an emergency:

  • ANGLEC Trouble Call: 497-2891
  • Fire & Rescue Services: 911 or 497- 3344
  • Ambulance Services: 911 or 476-2294
  • Police: 911 or 497-2333
  • Natural Disaster Reports: 497-2926


Remember, when making a report you can use the following acronym “LIONESS” to help communicate your issue:

  • Location: Where is the emergency?
  • Incident: Explain as clearly as possible what happened.
  • Other services: Try to express all services you need to assist you and those involved.
  • Number of casualties: How many persons are hurt or in danger?
  • Extent of the injury: Explain in detail what injuries are being experienced, if any.
  • Surrounding: Describe your surroundings, are there any landmarks around you (give a description of important buildings, poles, homes etc) For example: “I’m in the North Hill road after Corner Bar Pizza on the left, the house is white”
  • Stay on the line and provide a contact number just in case you get cut off or the responder needs to call you back

Stay safe this Hurricane Season and share this information with others.


  • Planning to use a generator after the storm? Click here for information on generator safety!
  • Want to ensure your property is connected quickly and safely after a storm?Click here to get all the information you need to be connected the first time around!

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