Save Energy – #StayHomeWithANGLEC

Save Energy

Let’s be honest, with all the worry around the COVID-19 pandemic and the extended social distancing measures, we could all use a little more worry-free news.

ANGLEC shared in March that there would be no disconnections and no late fees as a result of the pandemic (both for the months of March and April).

During this time, it’s important to find new ways to save money and prepare for the future. The good news is that saving on your electricity with help from ANGLEC is easier than you thought!

You can cut down on your electricity costs during this time at home by limiting the amount of energy you consume. A big part of that is knowing what consumes energy even when you don’t even realize it.

Unplug your appliances!

The everyday appliances in our homes are always (yes, ALWAYS) consuming energy if left plugged in.  You’ll be amazed the savings you could realize in a month when you unplug appliances around your house. It is essential to ensure that electrical appliances are not only turned off but they are also fully unplugged when not in use. Appliances that are turned off but still plugged in can continue to cost you hundreds of dollars over time by constantly consuming electricity.

Appliances like the ones below are the biggest culprits or silent electricity consumption:

  • TVs
  • Phone Chargers
  • Fans
  • Computers (Laptops and Desktops)
  • Washers
  • Dryers
  • Gaming Stations
  • Printers

Other Energy Saving Tips

Use a power strip- The best way to save time and energy is to use a power-strip with an “On/Off” switch and plug items in close proximity into it. Simply turn the switch on when items are in use and turn it off again.

Set up an online ANGLEC account- Many customers don’t know that you can do more than just pay your bill with an ANGLEC online account. In the online portal you can monitor your consumption and see how much you are spending over time. Just like with monitoring your spending with online banking, you can budget your energy use online to make sure you don’t exceed what you plan on spending on your bill during the month. Click here for more online account info!

Stay together- Did you know that just be staying together you could save energy? By keeping family members in the same room or area you can better monitor activity and prevent the use of multiple items at once like fans, lights and TV’s. For families this is even a great time to do away with our devices for a while and play a game or do fun activities in the yard. So call the children out of the rooms and get to saving!

Keep that fridge closed! Not only will this help you safe your quarantine snacks, you’ll keep your fridge from constantly having to use energy to re-cool itself. Think about what you want before you go to the fridge to limit the amount of time it’s open (standing in the doorway lets all the cool air out and, spoiler alert, nothing new has appeared since the last time you checked). Another fridge tip and a great “stay-at-home” project is to repair refrigerator door seals if you feel cold air around the closed door or if moisture is collecting.

Clean your appliances- Since we’re talking about your fridge, you should dust your fridge the next time you clean. Check the coils behind the refrigerator and use a vacuum or dusters to clean it off and help keep it running smoothly (aka keep costs down).

Keep your freezer full – Like a closed fridge a full freezer uses less energy than an empty one. For maximum savings, consider filling your freezer with gallon containers of water.

Choose energy-efficient appliances – This one is a easy thing to do when replacing appliances and items in your home. Replace your five most-used light fixtures and/or bulbs with energy efficient products.

Limit AC use & keep it clean– Ensure that you turn off all AC Units when leaving a room and only use them when needed. Change or clean your air filters at least once a month to keep your system running with peak performance.

Use Cold water – Wash your clothes, dishes and everything you can with cold water whenever possible.

Do More at once– Wash, dry and iron several loads at once, so that your washer, dryer or iron isn’t completely cooled down when it has to start up again.


Set up a payment plan with ANGLEC – Did you know that ANGLEC assists customers year-round by creating payment plans for accounts with outstanding bills. We know that hard times can happen to any of us, with or without a pandemic. By monitoring your usage and setting up a feasible repayment plan you can save your costs overtime, get caught up on your bill and relive the worry and stress of utility debit. Call 497-5200 or email for more information.

Happy Savings! We’ll be sharing a part two to these tips all about making memories at home during this time.

Stay tuned for more Tips in our #StayHomeWithANGLEC campaign on Facebook!

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