ANGLEC Health & Safety RFQ – Fire Extinguisher, Fire Alarm System and Fire Protection System Annual Inspection, Maintenance and Certification

ANGLEC Health & Safety RFQ

Fire Extinguisher, Fire Alarm System and Fire Protection System Annual Inspection, Maintenance and Certification
Closing Date: November 6, 2020


ANGLEC intends to award a two (2) year service contract (with the possibility for renewal) for Fire Extinguisher, Fire Alarm System and Fire Protection System Annual Inspection, Maintenance and Certification. All systems and equipment must be inspected, maintained and certified in accordance with the current National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard. The Contractor shall use the manufacturer’s recommended recharge agent, lubricants, and replacement parts or materials specially listed for use for all systems and equipment. Maintenance, servicing, inspections, and recharging shall be performed by trained persons, having available the appropriate servicing certificates, manuals and the proper tools.


The Anguilla Electricity Company Limited (ANGLEC) has various sizes and types of Fire Extinguisher sand Fire Protection and Alarm Systems. The Contractor shall examine the premises and shall satisfy themself with the general condition of the premises, obstructions and the location, condition, number of systems and extinguishers etc. of any existing contract work and/or mechanical or electrical work prior to delivering their proposal. No allowance will subsequently be made to the contractor, by reason of their own failure to have made such an examination, or on account of any error or oversight on their part. Should any discrepancies, errors, conflict or items needing clarification be discovered in the plans and or the specifications, the Contractor shall notify ANGLEC in writing.

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