ANGLEC’s Billing operations Resume – January 2021


‘No Disconnection, No Late Fee’ Deadline – General Billing relief measures discontinued as of January, 2021 

In March of 2020 ANGLEC created a program of No Disconnection and No late fees for all customers following the overwhelming effects Covid-19 unemployment and operational changes in Anguilla. Since then, the program has been extended twice in response to the needs of customers.

With the deadline for general relief efforts in January 2021, ANGLEC is now in the process of transitioning back into normal billing operations to ensure the sustainability of service for all customers, with a focus on continuing assistance programs for those most in need.


What does this operational change mean for customers?

If you have been keeping up to date with your payments during this period you will not be directly affected. It simply means that in January, the automatic application of billing measures such as late fees or disconnections will be resumed.

For persons who have not kept their account up to date, it means that the time is now to get your account in order to avoid any possible payment penalties and disconnections come January.

Once normal billing operations are resumed, applications such as late fees, arrears and disconnections are automatically applied when the system detects late payments or accounts that have fallen into delinquency. Each customer has the responsibility to make sure their account is regularized prior to January to avoid any issues once automation is resumed.


What if I can’t afford to resume full payments by January?

We are still here to support those who may need additional assistance.

For customers who are facing employment issues or financial burdens due to the pandemic, we encourage the use of the many payment plan options offered by ANGLEC. Persons who act before January to express their challenges and set up a custom plan will be granted a head start on bill re-payment at a rate that is sustainable and most importantly, stress free!

All terms will be agreed upon through an interview process and the necessary adjustment(s) will be made to the customer’s account thereafter.

Click here to check out more on payment plans.

For all other customers the general COVID-19 assistance measures extended earlier this year will be ending. It has been our pleasure to extend over 7 months of relief to all customers to date and we look forward to your continued cooperation as we transition back to normal operations.


But, what if I can pay now but may face difficulty after January?

ANGLEC offers the option to set up a custom re-payment plan at any time. Long before the effects of Covid-19 ANGLEC Customers have seen the benefits of creating payment plans to assist them through financial hardship. The truth is that financial difficulties can befall any of us, at any time. And while ANGLEC is committed to help where possible, we need cooperation from you, our valued customers to identify your needs and create options that work best for you. It is imperative to indicate your status as soon as possible to get the best opportunity for your needs.

Please don’t wait until the burden is too much to bear, come meet with our Customer Care team today.

For more information on payments and customer assistance please call 497-5200 or visit our Main Office in The Valley.

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