Keneisha Gumbs


As the final part of the 2023 Women’s Month the Office of Public Relations at ANGLEC selected a distinguished group of ANGLEC ladies to be featured for their contributions to the company and their unsolicited commitment to supporting equity for women within the workplace and the community.

Keneisha Gumbs is ANGLEC’s Corporate Secretary (Ag) and has been with the company for 10 years. Though her role is in the Corporate Office dealing with matters for Shareholders and ANGLEC’s Board of Directors, Keneisha’s bubbly personality and willingness to learn and assist has landed her opportunities to work with various areas of the company from Customer Care to ANGLEC’s Generation/Power plant. With her wealth of knowledge Keneisha is often a go-to point of contact for internal and external customers and is never too busy to lend a hand. She is passionate about advocating for others in the workplace and takes pride in her ability to work with persons in the company and greater community. Her love for community and company has also allowed her to play an important role as a member of ANGLEC’s Public Relation’s Committee, a post she’s held for 7 years. She is short in stature but mighty at heart and makes sure everyone who crosses her path knows it. Her contributions to ANGLEC are many and far reaching and she continues to push forward in her pursuits of supporting ANGLEC’s operations and company culture.

For these reasons Keneisha was selected as a 2023 ANGLEC Women’s Month Honouree. So let’s get to know her! In the below interview we learn more about the woman behind the work, her take on equity for women and her view on inspiring the next generation.


Getting to Know Her

What is your favourite song?
The Prayer by Donnie McClurkin & Yolanda Adams

What is your favourite hobby ?  
I enjoy singing

Who was your role model growing up and why ?
From a young age, my mother has served as my primary inspiration. Her resilience, dedication to her career, and kind nature are all qualities I look up to.

What was your favourite subject in school?
I like learning about nutrition the most.

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
That one food will be Pizza.

What is your favourite part about your job?
One of the best things about my profession is interacting with people of various ages and walks of life.

What would you say is the hardest part of your job?
There is no difficult component of my career; rather, my position allows me to grow in every way and to be purposeful.


Embracing Equity

​What is your view on the theme “Embrace Equity”?
Embracing equity means understanding that all people don’t start out on the same level in life. Being mindful of those differences is so important because it can change the ways in which we approach one another and the efforts we undertake.

In your opinion, how can men and women work together to ensure a work environment of Equity?
Both men and women need to work together especially on matters where differences normally separate us. This means finding ways to listen, support, and take action even when it’s hard. Far too often we let difficult or uncomfortable environments thrive because we don’t have the confidence, strength or support systems to address them head on, that needs to change if we want a more fair and equitable workplace and world.

How are you able to embrace equity at ANGLEC?
​I think it’s as simple as showing up as your authentic self, if you embrace your own differences you make space for equity and for others to do the same. Don’t be afraid of what people might say, as long as you are stepping forward with love and genuine energy your intentions will always be good and those who will help you and others thrive will gravitate to that authenticity.

Inspiring Others to Embrace Equity

​What advice would you give to young women about equity in the workplace?
I would say to keep in mind that as a woman especially, there is always space for growth and improvement in any organization. Everyone is starting from a different place and that’s what makes having equity so important.

How can someone advocate for an equitable work environment?
Advocacy comes in many forms but I’d say its best to find ways to use your unique skills and create new opportunities. This recognition opportunity is a prime example. Someone saw a need and met it with an idea, now myself and others not only have a chance to use our voices when we otherwise wouldn’t, we are opening a door for more celebration and conversations.

What role does leadership have in promoting equity in the workplace?
The role of leadership is to ensure that all staff are treated fairly and have the same opportunity in any area of the company. Leadership should set a good example for others to model and aspire to which would naturally promote a culture of workplace equity.

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