Shaunel Reid 

As the final part of the 2023 Women’s Month the Office of Public Relations at ANGLEC selected a distinguished group of ANGLEC ladies to be featured for their contributions to the company and their unsolicited commitment to supporting equity for women within the workplace and the community.

Shaunel Reid is the senior Internal Auditor at ANGLEC and has severed the company for 8 years. She leads a talented two woman team tackling some of the company’s most delicate operational challenges with quiet grace and professionalism. An auditors job is tough. When taking firm stances and implementing difficult decisions there’s a high chance of facing discontent and opposition along the way. However, if you know Shaunel, you’ll know that she approaches it all with a level of confidence and care that has allowed her to excel and inspire. And we can’t forget her sense of style and her smile! Women all over the world use style as an extension of their personality and Shaunel does that daily. The way she dresses is an extension of her effortless beauty inside and out, not over the top but very classy. And her contagious smile can bring joy to any room. She is a committed, consistent and charismatic part of the ANGLEC team.

For these reasons Shaunel was selected as a 2023 ANGLEC Women’s Month Honouree. So let’s get to know her! In the below interview we learn more about the woman behind the work, her take on equity for women and her view on inspiring the next generation.

Getting to Know Her


What is your favourite song?

JahmielA Better Tomorrow’

What is your favourite hobby?

My favourite hobby is reading.


Who was your role model growing up and why?

My mom, she taught me the importance of hard work, empathy for others, honesty, and has always encouraged me to be the best I can be. 


What was your favourite subject in school? 



If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Anything seafood


What is your favourite part about your job? 

Understanding how the varying sections function and the opportunity to improve processes to increase efficiencies.   


What would you say is the hardest part of your job?

Implementing change


Embracing Equity


​What is your view on the theme “Embrace Equity”?

Embrace Equity in my view means levelling the playing field so that each person is given a fair chance to achieve and produce at their true potential


In your opinion, how can men and women work together to ensure a work environment of Equity?

To create a work environment of Equity where men and women work together, leadership must commit to creating such an environment which should be communicated to all persons in the work environment.   Once accepted by all persons in the work environment practices must be continually revised to ensure that practices reflect an environment of equity.


How are you able to embrace equity at ANGLEC?

I am able to embrace equity at ANGLEC by understanding and appreciating differences in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. 

Inspiring Others to Embrace Equity


​What advice would you give to young women about equity in the workplace? 

I would advise young women to educate themselves about company practices and ask questions about practices that seem unfair Be the catalyst for the change you want to see in the workplace.  Encourage each other to be the best that they can also through continuous learning. 


How can someone advocate for an equitable work environment?

An individual can advocate for an equitable work environment once by firstly understanding their rights.  If the individual deems that they are not treated right use their voice or write to challenge the status quo.  Formation of groups could also assist in advocating for an equitable work environment.


What role does leadership have in promoting equity in the workplace?

Leadership plays a pivotal role in promoting equity in the workplace.  Those in authority must be committed to creating, maintaining, and revising practices that would create such an environment.  If there is no sound commitment by management, it will be difficult to promote equity in the workplace. 


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