ANGLEC- Power Outage Preparation Guide

ANGLEC- Power Outage Preparation Guide


Occasionally, unplanned or emergency outages are a measure of protection for ANGLEC’s system and the community.  Emergency or “unplanned” outages are out of ANGLEC’s control and occur when an unforeseen force interferes with a critical part of the power system. As you may know, these emergency outages are different to planned or scheduled outages that are organized and advertised ahead of time by ANGLEC to facilitate the maintenance of infrastructure in the field.

The chances for emergency outages during Hurricane season are increased due to volatile conditions during a storm and exposure to the season’s changes (dry periods, increased heat, salt brine, etc.). While we notify the public in advance of any scheduled outages, some outages can occur without warning mainly due to varying interference with power-lines referred to as “faults”. In such cases there are things you can do to protect your belongings and loved ones until power is restored.

Before a power outage:

  • Like ANGLEC on Facebook ( for notices and listen to the local radio stations for announcements.
  • Ensure that you have all sensitive appliances plugged into surge protectors or unplugged entirely and stored away/protected.
  • Store candles, flashlights, battery packs, batteries and any other supplies in a safe and easy to find location.
  • Ensure that generators are safely housed properly connected and serviced to be ready for use if needed.
  •  Ensure proper preparations are made to offer comfort and stability to the more vulnerable (children, elders, disables or ill) in your home, where possible.
  • And last but not least CHARGE UP! Take the opportunity to charge all your devices and backup battery packs ahead of a storm or potential outage.

During an Emergency Outage:

  • Turn off and unplug all appliances, including things like your computers, TVs, lights, refrigerator, and other sensitive devices. This will assist in damage prevention and help you avoid a circuit overload when power is restored.
  • If you hear a sound, see an accident or have any information on the outage’s cause, please report it to ANGLEC as soon as possible, 497-5200 or 479-2891. Please do not call in unless you have information, thanks to the systems at our Generation station our teams know immediately when large scale outages occur and do not need to be notified by calling in. Keeping the phone lines clear allows them to work quickly and communicate effectively with out teams on the ground to restore power.
  • Check Facebook for updates. It typically takes 5-10 minutes after the outage for full information to be attained and posted. Please be patient and rest assured that our teams are working to get everyone connected safely.
  • Keep your freezer and refrigerator doors closed as much as possible. Food can stay frozen for about 36 to 48 hours in a fully loaded freezer if you keep the door closed. A half-full freezer can generally keep food frozen for 24 hours. Lengthy outages are not typical for ANGLEC but can occur in the Hurricane season. If power is not restored after the mentioned time-frames, most refrigerated items would need to be packed into a cooler surrounded by ice until used. *Some items such as dairy or meat may need to be discarded.
  • Follow safe operating procedures for generators. Never operate one inside your home or in an enclosed space, such as a garage and NEVER plug generator directly into a wall outlet.
  • Follow safe operating procedures for solar power usage.  NEVER have solar powered sources unannounced in writing to ANGLEC and ensure they are not feeding back onto ANGLEC’s grid. Failure to do the aforementioned could result in serious harm and loss of life.
  • Listen to the radio station and check our Facebook page for updates on reconnection times and more important details.
  • If it is hot outside, open the windows, close curtains on the sunny side of your home, drink plenty of fluids, and take your family and pets to a cool location in the house or to another area/public place if necessary to stay comfortable until power is restored.
  • If you leave your home, please help protect ANGLEC’s workers and crews when you see them on the road making emergency repairs. DRIVE SLOWLY, move over from the lane nearest the workers and stay alert so you can safely pass the work site.
  • Do not hesitate to contact a physician or emergency services if you have any health-related concerns during a power outage.

**Stay away from downed power lines, flooded areas, and debris. Treat all fallen wires and anything touching them as though they are energized. Immediately report downed lines to ANGLEC (497-2891) and Emergency Services.


  • Planning to use a generator after the storm? Click here for information on generator safety!
  • Want to ensure your property is connected quickly and safely after a storm? Click here to get all the information you need to be connected the first time around!

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