Photo Caption: Teachers at OKPS dressed up as students with ANGLEC gifts during Teacher’s Appreciation Week activities


A spur-of-the moment donation request prompted what became ANGLEC’s first ever Teacher’s Appreciation Giveaway. On September 30th, 2019, teachers from the Orealia Kelly Primary School (OKPS) contacted ANGLEC in need of gift items for their Teacher’s appreciation ceremony on

At first, I thought the request from Tr. Verrin Fleming of OKPS was simply part of an individual school ceremony she was organizing. It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized it was Teacher’s appreciation week for all schools. An even though I only received a request from OKPS, we knew it would be a nice surprise to show our appreciation to all schools, if possible. So my colleague and I quickly sorted through our giveaway items and contacted all the primary schools and the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive school to arrange gift deliveries for the teachers and staff” remarked Jemila Morson-Hodge, ANGLEC’s Public Relations Officer.

She added that “Teachers are the heart of the educational system and as a champion for youth development, ANGLEC couldn’t miss this extra opportunity to shine a little light on all they do.

The ANGLEC team was able to organize and deliver hundreds of small tokens to show their support to teachers all over Anguilla during the first week of October. The items donated varied based on viability but included gifts such as reusable shopping bags, pens, water bottles, keyring flashlights, carabiner keychains, pencils and pouches for stationary supplies.

“When I contacted the principals and staff to arrange the deliveries, they all seemed shocked. Everyone we encountered was full of gratitude for the gesture” share ANGLEC’s Admin Receptionist and PR Committee member, Vanisha Hodge.

ANGLEC made gift donations to: Adrian T. Hazell, The Valley Primary School, Orealia Kelly Primary School, Morris Vanterpool Primary School, Vivian Vanterpool Primary School, Omolulu International School, Alwyn Alisson Primary School, Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School

Ms. Hodge continued “Having the chance to go back to the schools and say a special thank you to teachers who I love and meet others really reminded me of the important role teachers play for us all. I was proud to be a part of ANGLEC’s first teacher’s appreciation giveaway.”


You too can join in and thank a teacher…because teacher appreciation day can be ANY day!



Other Photos:

ANGLEC’s Vanisha Hodge handing over gifts to Principal at The Valley Primary School

ANGLEC’s Jemila Morson- Hodge handing over gits at ALHCS Campus B


ANGLEC’s Vanisha Hodge handing over gifts to Principal at The Vivian Vanterpool Primary School

ANGLEC’s handover to teachers and Principal at the Alwyn Allison Primary School


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