ANGLEC’s 2020 Horizons Scholarship Program Results

ANGLEC’s 2020 Horizons Scholarship Program Results

L-R:  Ms. Vanisha Hodge (Admin Receptionist & 2020 Programme Manager), Mrs. Jemila Morson-Hodge (Public Relations Officer & Programme Marketing Director)

The Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. (ANGLEC) is pleased to announce the successful completion of another HORIZONS Scholarship Program for the 2020 school year. This year, 31 students were awarded from the 2020 application process which collected over 150 submissions, the largest intake to date.

“At the Horizons level it is so important to let the children know that their focus should only be on doing well in school. Primary school age is a wonderful time for children to grow but even in their innocence financial struggles can affect them and the way they learn. As a good corporate citizen it is our privilege and responsibility to ease burdens where we can all while providing excellent service to Anguilla.” Peter Lamontagne, ANGLEC CEO (Ag).

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the financial status of many in Anguilla which ANGLEC believes is the reason behind the increased amount of applications. “During these difficult times it is an honour to continue to serve in this way” shared ANGLEC’s PRO.

Over the years, this landmark program has assisted hundreds of primary school children and their families prepare for school. To remove some of the financial burden on families, the ANGLEC Horizon Scholarship awardees receive the many supplies needed for school, free of cost once they meet the criteria that reviews grade level, financial needs and records of behaviour. Any students in public school from grades 2-6 may apply once the program’s intake begins. This year, the programme was spearheaded by one of ANGLEC’s newest employees, Ms. Vanisha (Valda) Hodge. While this 2020 programme only marks Ms. Hodge’s second year working on the scholarship, she took on the task with enthusiasm and successfully managed the tedious process with assistance form internal and external volunteers.

“It was with great pleasure to have worked so in-depth on the Horizons Scholarship this year.” Hodge noted. “Normally it is spearheaded by ANGLEC’s Human Resources Assistant, Mrs. Sandra Rogers; whom I would like to give special notice to for her hard work over the past 10 years coordinating this program. She brought me onboard last year and has been guiding through it me ever since. Also, much appreciation has been shown internally and externally to the Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Jemila Morson-Hodge, who has been a great asset in the distribution of information for the program and in taking the step into ensuring Horizons continues again this year. My heartfelt thanks is also extended to the Horizons Committee members that assisted with the evaluation process of all the many 2020 applicants.”

The application process officially concluded on July 31st, 2020 and all successful applicants were contacted thereafter. Over the last few weeks in August the 33 Horizons Scholarship awardees were given vouchers to collect their uniforms, stationary and other necessary school supplies.  ANGLEC wishes to thank the eternal committee members from the Department of Education, the Ministry of Social Development, the Welfare Department as well as our internal volunteers from ANGLEC’s Administration department for their support over the years. Special thanks is also extended to the Horizons Scholarship Programme suppliers for their continued partnership; Cynthia’s Place, C&V, Coral Reef Books, Gem Exclusive, Safety Step and Uneek Supplies.


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