ANGLEC Hurricane Irma Customer Advisory

Please be advised of the following as ANGLEC prepares for Hurricane Irma.

Opening Schedule
  • MON – Open to customers until 12:00pm.
  • TUES – Closed.
  • WEDS – Closed (pending path and impact of the storm).
  • THURS & FRI – To be decided – pending path and impact of the storm.
We advise the general public to: 
  • NEVER  interfere with electrical lines or poles. Doing so poses a serious risk of electrical shock/other injury and impedes ANGLEC’s recovery efforts.
  • Listen to the radio and check the ANGLEC Facebook page (AnguillaElectricity) for updates.
  • Report downed poles and lines via our Trouble Call line 497-2891.


Be advised and remind others-

It is dangerous and unlawful for anyone, including ANGLEC crews, to be outdoors prior to the official all-clear radio announcement. Our crews will mobilize as soon as possible AFTER the all-clear to begin the full restoration of power.


Hurricane Outages

We try to maintain our supply as long as possible during the storm, however the following conditions may result in a disruption of power:

  • For the safety of our crews, customers and equipment, power may not be restored when  storm winds exceed 50mph and  a feeder is tripped (cutting the power supply to an area) .
  •  Power may be disrupted at any point during the storm due to conditions (lightening, heavy rain etc.)


For your protection

During the storm please ensure that your equipment/appliances are unplugged from all electrical, cable and data outlets.

ANGLEC wishes you and your family the best as we all prepare for hurricane Irma. Stay safe and keep our community in your prayers.


If you need to report an issue in preparation for the storm, please contact our Trouble Call line via 497-2891.

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