How to Update your Account Information

ANGLEC kindly requests that all customers make sure their account information is up to date. Over the years many of our customers have faced issues with their accounts and receiving important ANGLEC updates due to their information being outdated or inaccurate. Please ensure that as the ANGLEC account holder for your residence or business, you have the correct information on file.

This information becomes critical specifically for businesses as we often place calls in the event that a planned outage will affect your area. ANGLEC also sends out printed bills monthly via mail, many of which need updated addresses for successful delivery. We hope to continue to improve our communication with customers via this request and ask that you follow the guidelines below to update your account information:

How to Update your Account Information:

  1. Call 1 (264) 497-5200 and ask to speak with Customer Care regarding making updates to your account information
  2. Verify that the account holder name (first, middle and last), phone number (s), email address, and postal address are all correct or updated as needed
  3. If you are a Landlord, ensure that long term tenants are noted on your account (s) with the accurate contact information listed above
  4. Ensure that your account number and meter number are correct on file (this can be done by checking the number on the meter at your property)
  5. In the event a call to Customer Care can not be placed, feel free to contact us via for assistance

We are committed to ensure you receive the most timely and up to date information regarding your account and look forward to assisting you soon! For more detailed information please call ANGLEC’s main office and speak with Ms. Joya Hodge (Customer Relations Officer).

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