Hurricane Preparedness at ANGLEC 2022

On Monday May 16th, 2022 The Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. ANGLEC held the company’s annual Hurricane Preparedness meeting, a convening of the organization’s essential functions during the hurricane planning and response process.
The Atlantic Hurricane Season officially beings on June 1st, 2022 and is a critical time for the utility as historically, hurricanes have the capacity to create real threats to infrastructure, both externally and internally within ANGLEC’s Power Station. ANGLEC takes this time to advise the public of the following points of concern as their teams work diligently finalizing preparations:
  • PLEASE MAKE ALL STORM PREPERATIONS WELL IN ADVANCE. ANGLEC does year round infrastructure maintenance, however, no amount of care can prevent damage from hazards like flying debris during a storm. Please ensure that your property and community is clear of loose items that can become airborne or create disruption during a storm such as Trees, storage containers, trash, loose wood and construction material and any other items that may be lying around.
  • Depending on the intensity of an impending storm ANGLEC cannot guarantee the sustainability of your connection under storm conditions. Waiting until the day of a storm to board up, clean and protect your property is a very dangerous practice and could lead to unnecessary damage and unsafe exposure during a storm.
  • Due to the logistical challenges presented by the COVID 19 Pandemic and other global crisis, orders and shipments of utility items are significantly delayed worldwide. However, thanks to proactive planning and strategic management ANGLEC is well positioned to face the 2022 hurricane season with only a few items outstanding due to arrive later in the year pending no further delays. These logistical challenges could mean restoration challenges if Anguilla faces major destruction this year. Regardless of the challenges, ANGLEC remains committed to serve through transparent communication and diligent service to customers.
  • All official ANGLEC notices and Hurricane Season updates will be posted to the company Facebook page via and company blog via
    Critical notices and adverts will also be distributed via news outlets to include radio stations and The Anguillian Newspaper.
  • To make a Trouble Call Report to ANGLEC please call 497-5200.


  • NEVER interfere with electrical lines or poles. Doing so poses a serious risk of electrical shock, injury or fatality and can significantly impede ANGLEC’s re-connection and recovery efforts.
  • In the case of an emergency please call 911 for assistance and report downed poles and lines to ANGLEC via our Trouble Call line 497-2891.
  • Listen to the radio for official announcements, advisories such as the official “all clear” after the storm. It is unsafe and unlawful for any persons including ANGLEC to begin work prior to the official all clear.
  • Please be reminded that you should NEVER plug a generator directly into a wall outlet. Generators must be installed in compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). Improper installation may cause injury, fatality, and damage to equipment for yourself or others in the community.
 For more information, please visit or call 1 (264) 497-5200.

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