Win BIG! – ANGLEC & RESEMBID (under the CAREEP PROJECT) do giveaway for Awareness of Energy Efficiency

ANGLEC Partners with RESEMBID under the CAREEP PROJECT for Awareness of Energy Efficiency in Caribbean Households


Energy Efficiency Giveaway

In 2022, The Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd (ANGLEC) partnered with the Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC) to promote a Caribbean-wide energy efficiency program and a special customer giveaway that will benefit 150 households on Anguilla. The selection of ANGLEC customers who are single parents is now underway with a short eligibility survey available via the company’s blog ( as well as via


1. What is the giveaway prize?

– LED lightbulb replacements. Under the CAREEP Project, customers from 150 households will receive a maximum of 5 LED lightbulbs each and the use of 1 plug-in electricity consumption monitoring advice with guiding material on how to do an energy self-audit in their home.

2. When and how will prizes be collected?
Once selected and the devices are available (based on the CAREEP timeline), beneficiaries can collect the lightbulbs and hand over the old and inefficient lightbulbs at the ANGLEC main office located in The Valley Anguilla.


About the Partnership

CARILEC and ANGLEC are implementing the CARILEC Resiliency and Energy Efficiency Project (CAREEP) in Anguilla, supported by the Resilience, Sustainable Energy and Marine Biodiversity Programme (RESEMBID) a programme conducted by Expertise France on behalf of the European Union (EU).

Resilience, Sustainable Energy and Marine Biodiversity Programme (RESEMBID) commenced operations on 1st January 2019, and will be implemented over a period of 69 months (no-extension included). The Programme supports the sustainable human development efforts of the Caribbean specifically targeting energy affordability for residential electricity customers.  The Project is not limited to Anguilla and includesBritish Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Sint Maarten and Turks and Caicos Islands also. As part of the initial process, the CAREEP project solicits feedback from customers from all participating island countries via a short  Customer Behaviour, Knowledge, and Awareness for Energy Efficiency survey.

The CAREEP Project partners thank you for your valuable contribution in helping to combat climate change and strengthen the economic resilience in the region!

Click here to sign up today!

Lucky winners will benefit from the ANGLEC and CARILEC Energy Efficiency Partnership!

1. Receiving free LED lightbulb replacements. Under the CAREEP Project, customers from 150 households will receive a maximum of 5 LED lightbulbs each.

2. Receiving the use of 1 plug-in electricity consumption monitoring device with guiding material on how to do an energy self-audit in their home.

3. Realizing an immediate reduction in energy consumption and utility bills.


The customer must:

1. Have an account with ANGLEC as a residential customer.

2. Have access to the internet and own an e-mail account.

3. Have a monthly electricity consumption that is below 400 kWh.

4. Be currently using standard incandescent lightbulbs or compact fluorescent lightbulbs as their main household lamps (ceiling lights in kitchen, living room, bedroom, washroom, hallway, and veranda).

5. Be willing to register and submit the CARILEC: Customer Behaviour, Knowledge, and Awareness for Energy Efficiency in Caribbean Households.
6. Be a low-income earning single-father or a single-mother.

7. Be willing to complete the project questionnaire and application form.

Once selected, kindly note the following final qualification information:

1.Follow the instructions for lightbulb installation and visually document the lightbulb replacement by submitting a photo to the CAREEP project at

2. Monitor his/her monthly electricity consumption / usage and submit the data to the CAREEP project at
3. Agree to sharing of the energy data assessed during the Project and be available for communication with the CAREEP Project representatives and local stakeholders.

4. Collect the lightbulbs upon approval from ANGLEC, and hand over the old and inefficient lightbulbs for proper disposal.

For more information, please contact ANGLEC’s Health and Safety Officer via 497-5200 (ext. 252)


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