ANGLEC Generator Advisory

ANGLEC advises the general public to take great caution when connecting and using generators.

  1. The installation of generators MUST be done in compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). 
  2.  NEVER plug a generator directly into a wall outlet.

Improper installation and use of generators can result in dangerous, even fatal levels of electricity feeding back into ANGLEC’s main power lines, posing a severe risk to your family, the public and ANGLEC’s crews/recovery efforts. Please read the information provided in the manufacturers care instructions for details on how to properly connect your generator and consult a professional electrician if you need further assistance or have questions.

During a restoration, limit generator use in the day to prevent the possibility of electrocution and damage to electrical systems from backfeeding on ANGLEC’s grid.

In addition, ANGLEC urges customers to turn OFF their generators when crews are working in their area. During a restoration, crew locations are posted weekly on Facebook.   Please LIKE our page for updates.

We take several precautions to ensure the safety of our workers but backfeeding from generators and other customer intervention (reckless driving etc.) pose extreme safety risks.


What is Backfeeding?

Backfeeding is the flow of electrical energy in the reverse direction from its normal flow. For example, backfeeding may occur when electricity is injected into the local power grid from a source other than a utility company.

This becomes dangerous when workers or other individuals come in contact with what is assumed to be an un-energized/”dead” line. The transformers that usually lessen the strength of the power supply for public consumption, increase it to levels that can be fatal.

Please help us to keep our crews and community safe by sharing this information on the dangers of improper generator use.


For questions or reports, please call our main office via 497-5200. Thank you!

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