Sandra Rogers

As the final part of the 2023 Women’s Month the Office of Public Relations at ANGLEC selected a distinguished group of ANGLEC ladies to be featured for their contributions to the company and their unsolicited commitment to supporting equity for women within the workplace and the community.

Sandra Rogers is an essential part of ANGLEC’s Human Resources department and has worked  at ANGLEC since the company’s inception, which to date is 32 years. She is a beloved part of the ANGLEC family, specifically among the women who work in her area and office, many of whom affectionately refer to her as “Mom” or “Ma”. Her quite nature may be deceptive as she is not only strong but a disciplined force to be reckoned with. Personally her quite strength has made her a breast cancer survivor and professionally she is a voice of wisdom and reason. As the theme this year is about embracing equity highlighting an employee like Sandra was important as in most settings those who are not outspoken, competitive or forward facing are easily overlooked. Embracing equity is all about making opportunities and taking proactive steps to promote fairness and inclusion for all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or circumstances. Sandra is a thoughtful and humble woman and a shining example of kindness and dedication.

For these reasons Sandra was selected as a 2023 ANGLEC Women’s Month Honouree. So let’s get to know her! In the below interview we learn more about the woman behind the work, her take on equity for women and her view inspiring the next generation.

Getting to Know Her

What is your favourite song?

My favourite song is “My Jesus, I Love Thee.”

What is your favourite hobby ?

My favourite hobby is baking.


Who was your role model growing up and why ?

My role model growing up was my sister Laura.  She ensured I understood the importance of Education.


What was your favourite subject in school?

My favourite subject in school was mathematics.


If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

One food I would eat for the rest of my life is potato.


What is your favourite part about your job?

My favourite part of my job is entering and organizing Staff Leave Application Forms.



Embracing Equity

What is your view on the theme “Embrace Equity”?

To me Embrace Equity means not casting judgement on others based on unconscious biases.  The workplace should be a positive work environment which embraces everyone and nurtures the talents and abilities of its human resources giving fair support to all.


In your opinion, how can men and women work together to ensure a work environment of Equity?

In my opinion, an equitable work environment can be created if both men and women remain aware of preconceived notions and refrain from transferring them to others in the workplace. Everyone should practice mindfulness in order to foster a culture of inclusion and a safe place for everyone to express themselves.


How are you able to embrace equity at ANGLEC?
ANGLEC continues to develop and I have been blessed to see an increase in females in managerial positions that work, in the field, over the years.  I have been granted opportunities which had aided my personal development and allowed me to thrive.  I make a conscious effort to treat everyone with respect and fairness along my career journey.


Inspiring Others to Embrace Equity

What advice would you give to young women about equity in the workplace? 
I would encourage any young woman to remember that she has a voice and must never be afraid to use it respectfully.  She should be confident and not fear taking initiatives and learning all that she can from those above and around her.  This will enable her to be equipped for any vacancy that may arise.  It is our duty to help the next generation up the ladder of success by taking the first step today and paving the way.

How can someone advocate for an equitable work environment?
Anyone who wants to advocate for an equitable environment should speak out against any injustices they may encounter and take advantage of any opportunity to educate others about fairness in the daily work experiences.

What role does leadership have in promoting equity in the workplace?
Leadership plays a key role in promoting equity in the workplace, from the hiring process throughout daily operations. Our leaders should set expectations and utilize the same standards for all employees when conducting performance reviews and awarding promotions.  They should ensure equal access to work resources, listen to employees and tries to understand their views and experiences.  Leaders are the most influential in creating the workplace culture and responsible for building inclusive team interactions.

My hardest part of my job is answering redundant questions as this takes time away from other important tasks, I may have to complete that day.

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