Happy 32nd Anniversary ANGLEC!

Happy 32nd Anniversary to the Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. (ANGLEC)!

Today we recognize the 32nd anniversary of ANGLEC, our actual anniversary date passed over the weekend (Saturday April 1st, 2023). We’d like to thank our customers, community partners and stakeholders for their continued support over the years as well as our remarkable team. We are proud of the work and achievements our employees have helped ANGLEC achieve to date and how they remain committed to providing quality service and reliable electricity for our customers through every challenge and triumph.

As part of our renewed commitment, we are actively working on providing enhanced services, reducing costs for customers, and exploring pathways to integrate renewable energy into our grid.

On April 1st, 2023, we lowered the fuel surcharge, a move which we hope will help to reduce the overall cost of electricity for our customers and set the tone for our future endeavours. At ANGLEC, we have been and continue to be committed to providing reliable, sustainable and affordable electricity services to Anguilla and look forward to doing so for many years to come.

A Message to customers from CEO Sutcliffe Hodge

Dear Valued Customers, 
April 1st, 2023 marked the 32nd anniversary of ANGLEC and I am honored to be part of the celebration this year. When I joined the team almost one year ago, I was determined to turn the company around and make it more sustainable. My mission remains the same and has been fortified by the commitment of the ANGLEC team. Now that the company is in an improved state, our collective goal is to renew our commitment through elevated services, and the re-introduction of renewable energy. These efforts form a small part of the overall strategic plan to develop ANGLEC and to provide you our valued customers with an incomparable level of service and costs savings.
I am proud to say that in the past year, we have made tremendous strides in meeting these goals with the reduction in the fuel surcharge as proof of our commitment to play our role in the economic stability of Anguilla when and how we can.
We continue to make internal and operational adjustments, when combined with our plan, will result in long-term savings for you, and opportunities for Anguilla. As we reflect on 32 years and look to the future, I am confident that our commitment will serve us well.
I thank you for your continued support!
Sutcliffe Hodge


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