ANGLEC Storm Warning Advisory 2023

Storm Warning Advisory: Prepare and Protect Your Home and Electrical Devices

The Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. (ANGLEC), team is closely monitoring the possible development of Tropical storms and Hurricanes in our region, including Tropical Storm Philippe. As of early today, Tuesday October 3rd, 2023 Anguilla is officially under storm warning for Philippe. ANGLEC seeks to provide the essential information needed at all times to help you prepare and protect your home and electrical devices during storm conditions.



ANGLEC Operations under a Tropical Storm or Hurricane;

  • At present (7:30am) ANGLEC offices will remain open until further notice. Official updates on office hours and other notices will be given via ANGLEC’s Facebook page once established prior to and following a storm.
  • Visit to LIKE and FOLLOW the page for updates.

Kindly note that ANGLEC’s power supply will be maintained as long as it is safe to do so. Storm related damages are unpredictable and often irreparable until after the storm has passed.


In the event that storm conditions pose too a severe risk to ANGLEC’s live equipment (both in the Power Station and in the community) power may be suspended in advance of impact as a measure of protection. In such an event, notice will be given.


Storm Warning & Storm Prep Tips:

  1. Follow ANGLEC & Local Authority Instructions: Stay updated on official storm alerts, advisories and warnings as well as other instructions based on local forecasts and reginal authorities. Your safety is of utmost importance, and it is essential to follow verifiable guidance during severe weather events. Keep yourself updated with the latest notices and updates from ANGLEC. Like and follow our Facebook page for real-time tips, notices, and important announcements.
  2. Secure Outdoor Effects & Equipment: Ensure that any outdoor effect and electrical equipment, such as air conditioning units, generators and debris, are securely fastened, discarded or brought indoors to prevent damage from strong winds or flying debris.
  3. Unplug Electrical Devices: Safely unplug all non-essential electrical devices, including TVs, computers, appliances, and chargers. This will help protect them from power surges or electrical damage during storms.
  4. Check your Emergency Kit: Assemble a basic emergency kit that includes flashlights, batteries, a battery-powered radio, bottled water, non-perishable food items, and essential medications. Make sure to have these supplies readily available in case of power outages or evacuation.
  5. Protect Sensitive Electronics: If you have sensitive electronic equipment, such as computers or home entertainment systems, consider using surge protectors or unplugging them completely during the storm to avoid potential damage.
  6. Secure Windows and Doors: Ensure that all windows and doors are properly secured. Use storm shutters or plywood to cover windows if necessary to protect against strong winds and debris.
  7. Backup Important Data: Take the time to back up important files and documents from your electronic devices. Store the backups in a safe and waterproof location to prevent data loss in the event of a power outage or device damage.

Your safety is our priority. Stay connected to ANGLEC on Facebook for additional tips, updates, and notices throughout the storm. We are here to assist you and restore power in the aftermath of any disruptions as quickly and as safely as possible.

Please stay vigilant, take necessary precautions, as we continue to monitor the season closely and provide the latest information.



  • For the full preparation timeline Click here 
  • Click here for information on generator safety!
  • Click here to get all the information you need to be connected after a storm.

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