ANGLEC- High Consumption Electricity Bills (August/December Electricity Bills)

ANGLEC- Addressing annual concerns of High Consumption Electricity Bills (August/December Electricity Bills)


The Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. ANGLEC takes this time to remind customers of the annual periods of peak consumption, specifically during summer months (July-August) and during the end of the year (November-January). In addition to our annual support for inquiries via our Main Office and Facebook page we reassure customers that ANGLEC has not increased the base rate of electricity of $0.63 since 1991.  It is customary for customers to question their bills which is why ANGLEC stands ready to assist and support those in need during these period through our Customer Care unit and the provision of our online database that can be used for account management including electricity consumption breakdowns. During these times, many customers may see an increase in their bills if conservation efforts are not employed as a natural result of the heat (during summer), increase home occupancy (children are home from school and family & friends visit ) and factors such as increased use of home appliances.

A key area of focus during bill enquires is subsequent fees such as the fuel surcharge and GST. The licence granted to ANGLEC provides for there to be an adjustment to the fuel surcharge as the price of fuel purchased from fuel suppliers locally changes. ANGLEC last increased the fuel surcharge in 2022. However, in April 2023, ANGLEC reduced the fuel surcharge from $0.70 to $0.60 which in combination with the Government issued assistance on residential bills during that time made the increase in consumption less noticeable to most customers.

If you or someone you know is experiencing concerns due to the increase in consumption during this time we encourage all be vigilant ensuring that family and friends are turning off lights, fans, televisions, electronic devises and air conditioners when not in use. Also be conservative during this time when using larger electrical appliances such as microwave ovens, stoves, refrigerators, freezers, hair dryers, washing machines and clothes dryers. Pay particular attention to those devices that are running for a long time or continuous, as these tend to consume the most and employ the use of outdoor spaces for entertaining and recreation to lessen the use of electricity indoors.  ANGLEC remains committed to serve and is looking forward to the day when Renewable Energy is the primary source of electricity used on Anguilla resulting in lower electricity prices and a cleaner environment. We all can do our part to manage consumption for the benefit of our budgets and to the planet to conserve energy wherever and whenever possible.

Throughout all seasons, stay ready to assist customers in being proactive regarding their energy bills. For further information and assistance, please contact our Customer Care Unit via 1 (264) 497- 5200


Be sure to check out some conservation tips here} and here

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