ANGLEC Ends Public Appeal for Assistance

A few weeks ago we launched a public appeal for assistance in our plight to secure the resources necessary to restore Anguilla by Christmas. Our deadline for team and equipment arrival has passed but Christmas remains our goal to restore the majority of Anguilla thanks to the overwhelming support we’ve received! We never fathomed that our appeal would be so well received! While many are still eager to assist us, we must now bring our campaign to an end.

Delays with shipments of critical materials and equipment still remain a challenge but we are close to having all the human resources necessary to restore a large majority of Anguilla by year end. There are now over 55 linesmen on island (our staff included) and we are working hard to reach our goal pending the timely arrival of the necessary equipment and materials to facilitate their work.

If you have been following our journey, you would remember our initial timeline for full restoration was estimated at around 6-7 months at best. We are pleased to note that our timelines have improved significantly as a result of the hard work of our teams and employees, as well as the added boost from the commitments we’ve received from the region and beyond. While some estimations do extend into the early part of 2018 these are much sooner predictions than originally expected. Our teams remain committed to restoring Anguilla in the shortest time possible and have been able to execute much sooner reconnection dates for villages island-wide, despite the challenges we face.

The timely restoration of Anguilla is a massive undertaking that extends far beyond ANGLEC and it is an honour to have public support from near and far as we work diligently to meet our ideal restoration goals. ANGLEC would like to extend our appreciation to CARILEC and the UK Government for their substantial contributions to our restoration by sending large contingencies to aid our teams on the ground. Special thanks also goes out to our ANGLEC supporters, family and friends for pushing our appeal forward.


Thank you for your support!

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