Verifying your Post Irma Bill – 3 ways that really work!

We know that understanding your post Irma electricity bill can be a bit confusing, especially when the amount is higher than expected. Due to the storm, ANGLEC has not resumed fees for late payment and will not do so until the February billing period. There are no hidden penalties or fees in ANGLEC’s bills. In many cases, high post Irma bills are simply a result of bill accumulation. We hope that this post brings some clarity to those who may be wondering how to understand and confirm their current bills.
While each customer situation is unique( see 3 examples here), here are 3 easy and effective ways to verify your bill before you pay.

1.Take your meter reading.

To take your own meter reading, locate your meter outside your home or business and read the digits shown on the digital display. For those with new AMI meters, you will see a series of flashing digits, the first of which will be all 8s, the second set of digits will flash and the final 5 digits to appear is your meter reading.

For those who have older meters (Cycle’s 1-5), there will be no flashing. Your meter number is the constant set of digits shown on the digital display.

By taking the reading directly from your meter, before you pay, you can compare it to the meter reading on your bill to ensure it is correct based on your usage. You may also compare your readings from the same day of the month each month to determine the energy consumed.

Here’s a tip:  If the reading you see is higher or approximately the same as that in our system, then you know your bill correct.  Each bill is based on the usage amount since the meter was last read the previous month. If it is lower than the reading on your bill, then your usage may have been estimated by ANGLEC. In such cases, your bill will be adjusted (read more on bill estimations here).

If your reading was not estimated, but you are concerned that your energy consumption seems high (especially in comparison to your normal consumption) your home or business may be suffering from an issue of electricity leakage. Damage to your property following a storm of Irma’s magnitude could lead to internal electrical issues, or appliance malfunction leading to electricity waste. Contacting an electrician to inspect your property is the best way to address high meter readings caused by wasted electricity.

2. Sign up for an online account with ANGLEC.

In addition to keeping up with your meter readings, an online account with ANGLEC is a fantastic way to track and verify your energy consumption (learn more here). As soon as you set up an account you will have access to all of your ANGLEC account information, including bill history. This is especially helpful post Irma to give you a record of your usage and bills, even for the period after the storm when our systems were being repaired and paper bills were not generated. With detailed information at your fingertips 24/7 you can easily verify your bills and identify exactly what you’re paying based on the monthly breakdown.


3. Contact ANGLEC’s Customer Care Unit.

ANGLEC’s Customer Care staff are always willing to assist you with bill inquires. With their help you’ll be able to get direct guidance and detail on your account and billing information before you pay. To speak with Customer Care about your electricity bill, visit our main office in The Valley or call 497-5200, Monday- Friday between 8:00am and 3:30pm.

We hope these 3 verification options make tracking your energy usage and understanding your post Irma bill easy and stress free!

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