ANGLEC supports DOMLEC Restoration

L-R: (back row) David Gumbs, Marva C. Richardson, Shem Liddie, Omari Hamilton, Delroy Carty, Emmanuel Monsanto (front row) Keneisha Gumbs, Erimel Franklin, Shenique Clare, Steve Hodge


ANGLEC is proud to deploy a team of 5 to Dominica, along with 2 of ANGLEC’s trucks (1 Digger Derick and 1 bucket truck). The team is assisting our CARILEC partner and sister utility Dominica Electricity Services (DOMLEC) recover from the devastation of Hurricane Maria, and consists of 5 linesmen and 1 truck operator/mechanic. They are expected to work in Dominica until the end of February.

Mr. Steve Hodge, ANGLEC’s Network Operations Engineer shared that the team consists of some of ANGLEC’s best. “They have been trained under the CARILEC programme and we expect them to do very well in Dominica,” Hodge remarked.

This deployment is a distinct honour for many reasons. The DOMLEC crew was the very first visiting crew to aid in our Hurricane Irma restoration. In addition to their contribution of linesmen, DOMLEC also donated various relief items to our restoration process.

Shortly after their arrival here, we were all blindsided as Hurricane Maria destroyed Dominica. “Their commitment to restore Anguilla was a major sacrifice in itself, but being away from their families during one of the most catastrophic hurricanes in Dominica’s history was a sacrifice far beyond anyone’s expectations” Mr. David Gumbs, ANGLEC’s Chief Executive Officer, recounted.


Even as things were so uncertain for them, they expressed their desires to return to help Anguilla, if they could. That level of dedication, during their own time of need, spoke volumes to their strength of character and stands as a shining example of unity despite personal difficulty. Naturally, everyone at ANGLEC feels a special bond with DOMLEC, and after sending donations and relief packages during our individual restorations, we are all overjoyed to have our teams reunited in this way.

ANGLEC’s Chairman, Mr. Gareth Hodge, who played an integral role in facilitating this effort, expressed that “The Board was happy to approve the deployment and reciprocate the assistance and generosity we received from DOMLEC and CARILEC.”

Upon their departure, our ANGLEC crew expressed their excitement to make their contributions to Dominica.

“It feels great to represent Anguilla and be recognized in this way” linesman Omari Hamilton shared. Fellow linesman Delroy Carty agreed, stating “It’s a new adventure and we are excited to build lines and do what we do best.”

Our hearts and prayers continue to go out to Dominica during their restoration. We are confident that with teamwork and faith, DOMLEC will rebound stronger than before.



ANGLEC Restoration Team Members

Delroy Carty, Linesman II

Omari Hamilton, Assistant Linesman

Emmanuel Monsanto, Linesman II

Shem Liddie, Linesman II

Shevil Mussington, Operator/Mechanic



Bevon Webster, Linesmen II

 Photos of our crew working in Dominica


Crew Return Photos


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